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Alcohol gel, an important item to prevent COVID

Alcohol gel, an important item to prevent COVID COVID-19 Did you know? Alcohol gel is an indispensable item. ‘Alcohol gel’ is considered an important item that many people carry with them during this time. Doctors say that it is no less important than a face

Skin symptoms you should know and be careful about

Skin symptoms you should know and be careful about Having texture skin means you may struggler with skin issues acne breakouts, bumps, clogged or visible pores, flaky skin, and fine lines. “Although most people strive for that airbrushed finish, almost everyone has texture to some degree, whether it’s

Do you have symptoms of diabetes or not

Observe yourself urgently. Do you have symptoms of diabetes or not Diabetes sometimes occurs without any symptoms, gradually and silently. If the blood sugar level is not checked, it will not be known that it is diabetes until the disease is advanced. Sometimes patients come

What is NK CELL? Why do we need to test it?

What is NK CELL? Why do we need to test it? Natural Killer Cell (NK CELL)NK Cells  are a type of white blood cell that are in the bloodstream and are the body’s innate immune system. NK cells are like an army that is ready to

Southgate cuts Rashford from Euro 2024.

Gareth Southgate, England national team manager Announcing the preliminary Euro 2024 squad, Marcus Rashford and Jordan Henderson dropped from this team. Southgate announced the initial team list of 33 people before cutting it down to 26 people. Without the name of Manchester United striker Rashford.