Ear health, take care of it properly Has a beneficial effect on hearing

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Ear health, take care of it properly Has a beneficial effect on hearing.

Listening is an important aspect of communication. Therefore, the Ear health are what allows us to hear various sounds. Should be taken care of and regularly checked to see if the Ear health can still hear normally or not. which hearing loss Can occur at any age. Therefore, hearing testing is important. To prevent and initially treat hearing loss that may occur or has already occurred. According to สมัคร ufabet

Hearing test

It is a test of the function of the ear and auditory system. To assess the level of hearing in detail To know the severity of hearing loss and diagnose abnormalities of the hearing system People with normal hearing will have a hearing level between -10 and 25 decibels. If it is more than 25 decibels, it is considered to have a hearing disorder.

Initial observation was that there was abnormal hearing.

  1. Can’t hear the words clearly Have to ask again often
  2. I can hardly hear the sound from the phone.
  3. Someone who speaks louder than before.
  4. Turn on the television or radio or music loudly.
  5. Frequently have tinnitus Hearing a whistling sound in the ears
  6. There is a family history of deafness or deafness.

Who should have their hearing tested?

  1. Elderly people aged 50-64 years should have their hearing checked every 5 years.
  2. Seniors 65 years and older should have their hearing checked every 1-3 years.
  3. People with a history of hearing impairment that has rapidly decreased or hearing abnormally on one side for no apparent reason
  4. People who are in loud environments such as workplaces, entertainment venues, or receiving medications that affect the ears.
  5. People with ear symptoms such as pain or fluid draining from the ear.
  6. People with a history of being diagnosed with ear disease